How to Utilize an Our Tributes Online Memorial for Memorial Day

May 14, 2024

Memorial Day is a treasured holiday dedicated to honoring the lives of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country and other loved ones who have passed away. Cemeteries are adorned with colorful bouquets, headstones are cleaned, and grave sites are clipped and pruned. 

But what if your tributes this year could include more than a potted mum? What if you could spend the day with family and friends commemorating the lives, accomplishments, and memories of our fallen heroes and loved ones in a meaningful way that would last for generations? 

This is the sole purpose of Our Tributes–an online digital memorial service accessed through a scannable QR code. This stainless steel weatherproof plaque, when scanned with a smartphone, takes you directly to the memorial page. It can be adhered directly to a headstone, allowing visitors to easily access and contribute to the memorial. In this digital age, online memorials offer a unique and powerful platform to honor those who have died. Here are several ways to use an Our Tributes online memorial to enhance your Memorial Day celebrations.

Create a Tribute Page 

Our Tributes online memorial platform allows you to create personalized tribute pages for individuals who have passed away. To do this, simply purchase a QR code plaque online. Then, scan your unique code using a smartphone and follow the prompts to create your tribute page. You can upload photos, share their stories, and add a timeline of their life. This feature is a wonderful way to honor fallen soldiers, veterans, or family members.

Gather to Record Memories and Tributes

Plan or host a Memorial Day gathering with special food. Consider preparing dishes that hold special meaning for your loved one, such as their favorite meal or a traditional family recipe. This can be a meaningful way to honor their memory and create a sense of connection. Provide the scannable QR code for the account and ask specific and meaningful questions to spark memories and create a collective space for remembrance and reflection.

Virtual Memorial Services

If you're unable to gather in person for Memorial Day ceremonies, consider hosting a virtual memorial service instead. Use video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Google Meet. These tools allow you to bring together friends and family from around the world to share stories, memories, and prayers in honor of those who have served and sacrificed. Then, email them the code for the Our Tributes online memorial and ask them to write down the memories they shared to preserve them for years to come. 

Share Memories and Photos

Take advantage of the multimedia capabilities of the Our Tributes online memorial to share photos, videos, written memories, and other meaningful information about your loved ones. Record a cherished tradition or heirloom recipe, write a poem, or include a quote from your loved one. Encourage family members and friends to contribute their own photos and stories, creating a rich tapestry of remembrance that celebrates the lives of those we've lost.

Educate and Reflect 

Use your online memorial as a platform for education and reflection on the meaning of Memorial Day. Every year, make an intentional effort to share the memories, pictures, videos, and tributes with others, especially those of the rising generation. Pay homage to the sacrifices of those who have protected our freedoms, and celebrate the experiences and accomplishments of loved ones. We learn so much about our own lived experiences by understanding how those who came before us faced their challenges. Their stories lift us, inspire us, and help us to strive to live fulfilling, joyful lives. Memorial Day is the perfect occasion to ensure that the sacrifices of our servicemembers are never forgotten and that the legacy of our loved ones lives on. 

Donate to Veterans Organizations

Take your Memorial Day activities even one step further. Once you’ve taken the time to honor and memorialize a veteran or your loved one through your online memorial site, consider donating to a veterans organization to honor those who have served or another charity that aligns with your loved one’s legacy. Your donation, no matter the amount, can make a significant impact and is a tangible way to honor their memory.

Connect with Others 

Memorial Day can be a difficult time for those who have lost loved ones, especially veterans and their families. Grief can endure for long after a funeral, and often people are looking for a way to express their love and loss and connect with other family members and friends in remembering and mourning together. Use your online memorial as a platform to connect with your loved ones who are also grieving. As you encourage friends and family to leave memories and tributes on the page, you’ll also be offering support and solidarity during this solemn time. Our Tributes online memorial fosters a sense of community and understanding, providing a space for shared grief and support.

An Our Tributes online memorial can be a powerful tool for enhancing your Memorial Day celebrations and honoring the memory of those who have served and sacrificed for their country. Whether you're creating a tribute page, hosting a virtual memorial service, or sharing memories and photos, take advantage of the digital resources available to create a meaningful and heartfelt tribute to our country’s heroes and the personal heroes we've lost. May their lives bless and inspire all who come after. 

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